Located along the Wisconsin River and blessed with woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands, the Wisconsin Rapids area is one of the nation’s top birding hot spots. Wisconsin Rapids is located in an ecological landscape known as the Central Sand Plains. This vast, sandy plain was once Glacial Lake Wisconsin, a large body of water formed by glacial runoff which once covered 1,800 square miles. There are 437 species of birds known to inhabit Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Rapids area offers opportunities for birders to see up to 200 bird species. The top birds in the Wisconsin Rapids area are; Sandhill Crane, Bald Eagles, Trumpeter Swan, Whopping Crane, Acadian Flycatcher, Cerulean Warbler, Greater Prairie Chicken, Henslow’s Sparrow, Osprey and the Red-Shouldered Hawk.
For more information on birds and birding in Wisconsin visit:
Wisconsin Society for Ornithology
Bird City Wisconsin
Great Wisconsin Birding & Nature Trail